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Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions are applicable to anyone who uses the website Worldwide Japan inc. (hereinafter referred to as Our company).

1. Privacy The registered information of users and the personal information we collect through our website will be used in accordance with the privacy policy of our company.
2. Services Users of this website are provided with the general services that we provide through this website upon your agreement with these terms and conditions. Regarding the services provided for free, instead of the process of asking for your agreement, the act of using the website is considered as a consent to these terms and conditions.
3. Setting Limitation to Receiving Services Depending on the service, our company is granted with the right to set service restriction on certain customers by age or for other reasons and with the right to set additional conditions.
4. Compliance Rules for Receiving Services Users of this website are prohibited from the acts listed below (including acts that possibly lead to these acts) upon receiving our services.
  1. (1)Acts considered illegal under the laws of Japan or the country or region users are in when receiving our services.
  2. (2)Acts of violating the public policy and morality , or act of infringing upon the rights of another and disturbing others.
  3. (3)Acts of destroying or interfering with functionality of software or hardware that our company or third parties use.
  4. (4)Act of interfering with our company's advertising.
  5. (5)Act of collecting and using personal information, browser histories, and personal interests of third parties without any permission.
  6. (6)Act of using our services for purposes not intended by our company, such as profit purposes and solicitation to services our company doesn't officially recognize.
  7. (7)Act of impersonation such as stealing and using account IDs of someone else.
  8. (8)Act of obtaining account IDs or passwords from someone else and disclosing account IDs and passwords to someone under any circumstances.
  9. (9)Act of bringing benefits to antisocial forces indirectly or directly in relation to the services our website provides.
5. Prohibition of re If users of this website use our services or the data beyond the purpose of our services, we have the right to suspend such acts as well as the right to claim the amount equivalent to the profit obtained by the user as a result of these acts.
6. Indemnification to our company When users of this website caused damages to our company, they will have to compensate for costs and damages (including the cost for hiring attorneys)
7. Advertising Our company has the right to place advertisement on our website and software.
8. Prohibited Matters The users of our services are not to do the acts listed below.
  1. (1)Acts that infringe or may infringe intellectual property rights such as copyrights or trademark rights of our company or others.
  2. (2)Acts that infringe, or may infringe, the property, privacy or portrait rights of others.
  3. (3)Acts of falsifying or erasing the information of our Company or of others through posting features.
  4. (4)Acts of impersonating while using our services.
  5. (5)Acts of spreading harmful computer programs, or leaving them in a way that others could receive them.
  6. (6)Acts of sending e-mails for advertisements, solicitations to third parties without permission, or acts of sending e-mails that could cause negative feelings to others. Acts that interfere with the receiving of emails by others. Acts of making someone else forward chain mails and acts of forwarding in response to such requests.
  7. (7)Acts of accessing internet devices, computers, other equipment and software of this website that our company or third parties operate (hereinafter referred to as "our equipment") without permission, or acts that interfere or may interfere with the operation or the use of our website.
  8. (8)Acts of violating laws, these terms of use, or public order and morals, acts that interfere with the operation of this website, acts that damage our credibility or infringe on our property, or acts that inflict a loss to our company or others.
  9. (9)Acts of sharing links to websites where the acts that fall under any of the items 1 through 8 can be observed.
9.Temporary Suspension of our website (1)Our company may suspend the website temporarily without notifying users in advance when:
  1. 1) there is a need to perform regular or urgent maintenance of the equipment for operating this website.
  2. 2) it is not possible to keep operating the website due to fire, power outage, etc.
  3. 3) it is not possible to offer our services due to natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruption, flood, tsunami.
  4. 4) it is not possible to offer our services due to war, turmoil, riot, labor dispute, etc.
  5. 5) we determine that it is necessary to temporarily suspend the services for operational or technical reasons.
(2)Even if our services are delayed or interrupted due to any of the items in the preceding paragraph or for other reasons, our company shall not be liable for any damage suffered by customers or third parties.
(3)We may suspend, restrict access to, or change the contents provided through our services without the consent of customers. In this case, our company shall not be liable for any damage suffered by customers or third parties.
(4)If we come to the decision that it is necessary, we may change these Terms of Use at any time without notifying customers in advance. However, if the change is expected to cause a great impact on users, we are to have a reasonable notice period in advance.
10. Notifying and Contact When customers wish to contact our company, they have to do so via the email found in the contact page of our website.
Except for special occasions, our company will respond to the inquiries via the email.
11. No Assignment of Rights With respect to all contracts based on these Terms of Use, all or part of the contractual status and rights and obligations arising therefrom may not be assigned or transferred to a third party by either party without prior written consent of the other party.
12. Disclaimer
  1. (1)Our liability for non fulfillment of an obligation shall be exempted if it is not due to our intention or gross negligence.
  2. (2)We do not guarantee the accuracy, suitability, timeliness, completeness, legality, usefulness, adequacy, or any other matter of the information provided on our website or through our services. In addition, even if users or third parties (individual, corporation, organization, etc.) suffer any damage or loss due to the information provided on our website or through our services, we do not take any responsibility.
  3. (3)The information such as quotations provided directly to users by our partners in our services is made and provided by each of our partners. We do not guarantee the accuracy, suitability, timeliness, completeness, legality, usefulness, adequacy, or any other matter of this information in any ways. In addition, we do not take any responsibility on these matters. It is the user's own responsibility to directly confirm the contents of information such as quotations provided directly to users by our partners for each of our service.
  4. (4)In addition to the cases stipulated in these Terms, the Company shall not be liable to users or third parties for any actions taken by our partners under any circumstances.
  5. (5)We have the right to use information obtained through our services, information provided by the users (excluding information that identifies individuals or corporations) for purposes of analysis and evaluation of information, sharing of information to third parties, etc.
13. Governing Law and Jurisdiction The establishment, effectuation and interpretation of these Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. In respect to all disputes and controversies which have arisen between our company and customers, caused by, in relation to, or in connection with our services (including the posted contents and advertisement) and software, both the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court of Japan.

Effective Date May 1st, 2023.